
  • 국제관계학개론_중간고사(년도 불확실)_200520_R0
    교양 과목 족보 2020. 5. 20. 02:04

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    1. As a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis, the United States promised to ( ). [큐바미사일 위기의 결과로 미국은 어떠한 약속을 하였나?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    start World War 3. [3차세계 대전을 일으키겠다.]

    not invade Cuba again. [큐바를 침공하지 않겠다.]

    invade Mexico.[멕시코를 침공하겠다.]

    destroy all its nuclear weapons.[미국의 모든 핵무기를 파기하겠다.]



    X 2. Which of the following is true [다음중 사실인 것은]? (0.0 / 0)

    Anarchy in international politics means chaos [국제정치에서 무정부상태란 대혼란을 의미한다].

    Anarchy in international politics means without order (or disorder).[국제정치에서 무정부상태란 무질서를 의미한다]

    Anarchy in international politics means absence of a central government. [무정부상태란 중앙정부의 부재를 의미]

    None of the above.


    X 3. An example of an international intergovernmental organization (IGO) is ( ). [다음 중 정부간국제조직의 예는? ] (0.0 / 0)

    the World Wildlife Fund.


    the United Nations (UN).

    al Qaeda. [알 카에다]


    X 4. Global politics (지구정치) ______2______ (0.0 / 0)

    deals with security issues (안보문제).

    focuses on global problems (지구의 문제) such as population growth, air and ocean pollution, natural habitat, and depletion of the ozone layer.

    deals with nuclear weapons issues (핵무기 관련 문제).

    deals with war and peace.


    X 5.

    One of the things the European wars of the eighteenth century demonstrated was that ( ). [18세기 유럽전쟁에 관하여 맞는 말은?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    the major powers of Europe were concerned with preventing any one nation from dominating the continent. [한국가가 유럽대륙을 지배하는 것은 방지하기 위하여 유럽전쟁이 일어났다.]

    the question of who would rule the various states was of no importance. [어는 국가가 다른 국가를 지배하는 문제는 중요하지 않았다.]

    wars were fought exclusively in Europe. [유럽에서만 전쟁이 일어났다.]

    alliances are permanent. [동맹은 영원하였다.]


    X 6. ( ) was “a period of intense hostility without actual war.” [실제 전쟁이 부재한 상태에서 미소간 강력한 적대관계가 지속된 기간은?]



    (0.0 / 0)

    the Hot War.

    Guerilla warfare


    the Cold War


    X 7.

    A international system characterized by more than three actors is ( ). [3개국 이상이 지배적인 위치에 있는 국제체제는?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    unipolar. [일극체제]

    bipolar. [양극체제]

    tripolar. [3극체제]

    multipolar. [다극체제]


    X 8. ( ) believe that the U.S. caused the Cold War. They point out that, at the end of World War II, the Soviet Union was much weaker than the U.S. [미국이 냉전을 야기 했다고 보는 시각은?]



    (0.0 / 0)

    Hardliners. [강경주의자]

    Post-revisionists [탈 수정주의자]

    Revisionists [수정주의자]

    Traditionalists [전통주의자]


    X 9. Idealism (liberalism) in international relations emerged with the failure of the[국제관계에서 이상주의가 등장하게 된 배경은 다음의 실패에 있다.] (0.0 / 0)

    balance-of-power system to prevent World War I.

    balance-of-power system to prevent World War II.

    League of Nations to prevent World War I.

    Napoleonic system.


    X 10.

    The Treaty of Versailles officially ended ( ). [베르사이유조약은 다음 중 어느 전쟁을 종식하였나?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    World War II.

    World War I.

    the Spanish Civil War.

    the Russian Revolution.


    X 11.

    Those who argue that the decline of bipolarity brought about the end of the Cold War use which level of analysis? [국제체제의 구조 (혹은 권력구조) , 양극체제가 냉전의 종식을 야기했다고 주장하는 견해는 어떠한 분석수준 인가?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    International Systemic level

    state level.

    individual level.



    X 12.

    The writings of Greek historian Thucydides and Italian philosopher Machiavelli are part of the tradition of [그리스 역사학자 투키디데스와 이태리 철학자 마키아벨리는 다음 중 어떠한 사상적 전통에 속하는가?]


    (0.0 / 0)



    constructivism [분석주의]

    world systems theory. [세계체제 이론]


    X 13.

    To be a great (major) power, a state should have which of the following? [강대국의 요건은 무었인가?


    (0.0 / 0)

    Relatively large territory.

    A well-organized military.

    A strong economy.

    All of the above.


    X 14. _____ pursued detente with the Soviet Union and normalized its relations with China in the early 1970s. [1970대 초 소련과 데탕트를 이루고 중국과 관계정상화를 이룬 사람은?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    President Carter

    President Nixon

    President Johnson

    President Park Chung-Hee


    X 15. International relations ___________ (0.0 / 0)

    refers to all forms of interaction (모든 형태의 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    refers to only political (governmental) interactions (정치적 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    refers to only non-political interactions (비정치적 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    does not include international law and international organizations.


    X 16.

    The theory (school of thought) that argues that human nature is inherently good and states can cooperate with each other through international institutions (like the UN) is called ( ). [인간성이 본래 선하다고 보며 국가들이 유엔과 같은 국제기관을 통하여 협력할 수 있다고 보는 이론은?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    Liberalism (or idealism).


    balance of power.



    X 17.

    The state has has [국가란 다음의 어떤 특징을 갖는가?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    a cold winter.

    predetermined foreign policy. [미리 정해진 외교정책]

    sovereignty. [주권]

    an elite-led military [엘리트지배의 군부]


    X 18. Which of the following schools share the view that the present world system is imperfect and should be transformed into one that is more equitable and just [현국제체제가 불완전하며 보다 형평성 있고 정의로운 세계로 변화되어야 한다고 보는 학파는]? (0.0 / 0)



    idealist (or liberal)



    X 19.

    The belief that diplomacy and international organizations and institutions can hlep resolve international conflicts supports which theory? [외교, 국제조직과 제도를 통해 국제분쟁이 해소될 수 있다고 보는 이론은?]


    (0.0 / 0)


    Liberal. (idealist)

    Constructivist. [구조주의]

    None of the above.


    X 20. An example of an international nongovernmental organization (NGOs) is the ( ). [다음 중 비정부조직의 예는?] (0.0 / 0)


    International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    World Bank. [세계은행]

    the UN


    X 21.

    The two features that distinguish states from other types of actors in the international system [국가의 특징은]


    (0.0 / 0)

    sovereignty and territoriality [주권과 영토성]

    territoriality and ethnicity. [영토성과 인종]

    religion and ethnicity. [종교와 인종]

    religion and sovereignty [종교와 주권]


    X 22. Transnational relations (범국가적관계)__________ (0.0 / 0)

    is defined as the movement of tangible and intangible items (가시적 및 비가시적인 것들의 이동) across state boundaries when at least one actor is not an agent of a government or an intergovernmental organization.

    involves unilateral action (일방적 행위) by state A toward state B.

    refers to political relationships (정치적 관계) between states.

    None of the above.


    X 23. Which of the following is not true? [사실이 아닌 것은]


    (0.0 / 0)

    A global power [전세계적 강대국] has interests throughout the globe and has the power to protect them.

    The “major power” [주요 강대국] is a generic term [일반적인 용어] to refer to the major players in international politics.

    A regional power’s [지역강국] interests and power extend to the country and the region it belongs to.

    France, Germany, and China are local powers.


    X 24. The Treaty of ___________officially ended WWI. (0.0 / 0)






    X 25. Which of the following is not true about the state? [국가와 관련하여 사실이 아닌 것은] (0.0 / 0)

    The state is an institution.[제도]

    States (governments) exercise control over persons and things within their borders. [국가내의 사람과 사물에 대하여 통제한다]

    States possess sovereignty.

    The state is NOT the most important actor in international politics.


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