
  • 국제관계학개론_중간고사(년도 불확실)_200520_R0
    교양 과목 족보 2020. 5. 20. 02:05

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    The two features that distinguish states from other types of actors in the international system [국가의 특징은]


    (0.0 / 0)

    sovereignty and territoriality [주권과 영토성]

    territoriality and ethnicity. [영토성과 인종]

    religion and ethnicity. [종교와 인종]

    religion and sovereignty [종교와 주권]


    X 2. A state does not consist of (0.0 / 0)

    government .





    X 3.

    Peace in Europe between the Napoleonic Wars and World War I was kept by ( ). [나폴레옹전쟁으로 부터 1차대전 발발시기 까지 유럽의 평화는 무엇으로 유지되었는가?


    (0.0 / 0)

    U.S. troops in Europe. [유럽주둔 미군]

    a balance of power. [세력균형]

    the League of Nations. [국제연맹]

    the UN.


    X 4. Which of the following schools share the view that the present world system is imperfect and should be transformed into one that is more equitable and just [현국제체제가 불완전하며 보다 형평성있고 정의로운세계로 변화되어야 한다고 보는 학파는]? (0.0 / 0)



    idealist (or liberal)



    X 5. The Treaty of ___________officially ended the 30 year’s war. [30년 전쟁을 종식시킨 조약은?] (0.0 / 0)






    X 6. ( ) believe that the U.S. caused the Cold War. They point out that, at the end of World War II, the Soviet Union was much weaker than the U.S. [미국이 냉전을 야기 했다고 보는 시각은?]



    (0.0 / 0)

    Hardliners. [강경주의자]

    Post-revisionists [탈 수정주의자]

    Revisionists [수정주의자]

    Traditionalists [전통주의자]


    X 7.

    The Treaty of Versailles officially ended ( ). [베르사이유조약은 다음 중 어느 전쟁을 종식하였나?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    World War II.

    World War I.

    the Spanish Civil War.

    the Russian Revolution.


    X 8. Which of the following is not true? [사실이 아닌 것은] (0.0 / 0)

    International politics operates in an environment of anarchy. [국제정치는 무정부 상태에서 존재한다]

    There is a higher (or central) government in the international system. [국제체제에는 고위정부가 존재한다]

    In the international political system, there is no monopoly of force [무력독점이 존재하지 않는다]].

    In international political system, force is the ultimate means of resolving interstate conflicts. [무력이 국가간 분쟁을 해결하는 궁극적인 수단이다]


    X 9.

    Those who believe that Gorbachev and Reagan contributed to the end of the Cold War use which level of analysis? [고르바쵸프와 레이건이 개인 지도자로써 냉전의 종식에 기여했다고 보는 시각은 어떤 수준의 분석에 해당하는가?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    International Systemic level.

    state level.

    individual level.

    middle. level.


    X 10.

    Those who argue that the Cold War was inevitable because the United States and the Soviet Union were the two dominant powers at the conclusion of World War II use which level of analysis? [2차대전 이후 미국과 소련이 양대 지배적인 강대국이었기 (양극체제 이었기 때문에) 때문에 냉전이 불가피하였다고 보는 시각은 어떠한 분석수준을 적용하는 것인가?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    International systemic level

    state level.

    individual level

    None of the above.


    X 11.

    The structure (power relationship) of the international system during the Cold War can best be characterized as ( ). [냉전중 국제체제의 권력구조 (혹은 권력관계)의 특징은?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    bipolar. [양극체제]

    multipolar. [다극체제]

    tripolar [3극체제]

    imperialist. [제국주의]


    X 12.

    A international system characterized by more than three actors is ( ). [3개국 이상이 지배적인 위치에 있는 국제체제는?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    unipolar. [일극체제]

    bipolar. [양극체제]

    tripolar. [3극체제]

    multipolar. [다극체제]


    X 13. International politics (국제정치)____________ (0.0 / 0)

    involves non-political interactions (비정치적 상호작용)) between states.

    involves unilateral action (일방적인 행위) by state A toward state B.

    involves political interactions (정치적 상호작용) between states.

    involves political and non-political interactions (정치적이며 비정치적 상호작용) between states.


    X 14.

    To be a great (major) power, a state should have which of the following? [강대국의 요건은 무었인가?


    (0.0 / 0)

    Relatively large territory.

    A well-organized military.

    A strong economy.

    All of the above.


    X 15. International relations ___________ (0.0 / 0)

    refers to all forms of interaction (모든 형태의 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    refers to only political (governmental) interactions (정치적 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    refers to only non-political interactions (비정치적 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    does not include international law and international organizations.


    X 16.

    A international system characterized by two major actors is ( ). [2개국가가 지배적인 (가장 강력한) 위치에 있는 국제체제는?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    unipolar. [일극체제]

    bipolar. [양극체제]

    tripolar. [삼극체제]

    multipolar. [다극체제]


    X 17.

    The modern states system began from the [근대국가체제는 언제 시작됬나?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    early 1300s.

    signing of the Declaration of Independence. [미국독립선언]

    Treaty of Westphalia.

    end of World War II.


    X 18.

    The sovereign nation-state system originated where? [주권을 갖는 민족국가가 처음 생긴 것은 다음 중 어느 곳인가?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    The United States of America.



    Latin America.


    X 19.

    The security dilemma involves ( ). [안보딜레마 란 무엇인가?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    deciding in which kinds of weapons to invest.[어떤 무기에 투자할 것이가 결정하는 것]

    states increasing each other's insecurity by measures taken to bolster their own security. [국가들이 자국의 안보를 확보하기 위해 취한 행동이 결국 관련 모든 국가들의 안보 약화를 초래하는 것]

    disarming oneself. [자국의 무력을 해제하는 것]

    all of the above.


    X 20.

    Those who argue that the decline of bipolarity brought about the end of the Cold War use which level of analysis? [국제체제의 구조 (혹은 권력구조) , 양극체제가 냉전의 종식을 야기했다고 주장하는 견해는 어떠한 분석수준 인가?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    International Systemic level

    state level.

    individual level.



    X 21.

    The Cold War between the United States and Soviet Union after World War 2 began because ( ) [2차대전 후 미소간 냉전이 발발한 이유는?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    each had the same ideology. [각각의 이데올로기가 동일하였다.]

    their leaders trusted each other. [양국 지도자들이 서로 신뢰하였다.]

    mistrust existed between the two powers. [양국간 불신이 존재하였다]

    Truman liked Stalin. [트루만 대통령이 스탈린을 좋아하였다.]


    X 22. Which of the following is not an example of an international nongovernmental organization (NGO) is the ( ). [국제비국가행위자의 예가 아닌 것은] (0.0 / 0)

    Amnesty International

    International Red Cross.

    the United Nations

    Human Rights Watch


    X 23. An example of an international nongovernmental organization (NGOs) is the ( ). [다음 중 비정부조직의 예는?] (0.0 / 0)


    International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    World Bank. [세계은행]

    the UN


    X 24.

    According to ( ), Soviet expansionism after World War II led to the Cold War. [2차대전 이후 소련의 팽창주의가 냉전을 야기했다고 보는 시각은?]


    (0.0 / 0)

    Hardliners [강경주의자]

    Post-revisionists [탈 수정주의자]

    Revisionists [수정주의자]

    Traditionalists [전통주의자]


    X 25. The state is the only international actor that controls ( ) [국가만이 통재할 수 있는 것은?] (0.0 / 0)




    the environment.



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