
  • 국제관계학개론_2011년 2학기 중간고사_200520_R0
    교양 과목 족보 2020. 5. 20. 02:06

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    <국제관개학개론 2011-2>


    1. Which of the following is not among the 3 systems for international peace and stability we discussed in class. [우리가 강의 중에 다룬 3개의 국제평화와 안정 체제에 포함되지 않는 것은?] (0.0 / 4)

    the balance of power system

    the balance of terror system

    the counter-terrorism system

    the collective security system.


    정답 : the counter-terrorism system



    2. An example of an international nongovernmental organization (NGOs) is the ( ). [다음 중 비정부조직의 예는?] (0.0 / 4)


    International Monetary Fund (IMF)

    World Bank. [세계은행]

    the UN


    정답 : Greenpeace



    3. The rising power of Germany, Japan, and Italy is what type of explanation for the start of World War II? [독일, 일본, 이태리 국력의 부상으로 인하여 국제권력 구조에 변동이 생겼기 때문에 2차대전이 발발하였다고 보는 분석수준은?] (0.0 / 4)

    Individual level.

    State level.

    International Systemic level.



    정답 : International Systemic level.



    4. U.S. intervention has not taken place in ( ). [미국이 직접 개입 (간섭)한 국가가 아닌 것은?] (0.0 / 4)






    정답 : Canada



    5. Which of the following is not true about the state?

    국가와 관련하여 사실이 아닌 내용은? (0.0 / 4)

    The state is an institution.[제도]

    States (governments) exercise control over persons and things within their borders. [국가내의 사람과 사물에 대하여 통제한다]

    States possess sovereignty (주권).

    The state is NOT the most important actor in international politics.


    정답 : The state is NOT the most important actor in international politics.



    6. Which theory focuses on international conflict and balance of power? [국제분쟁과 세력균형에 촛점을 맞추는 이론은?] (0.0 / 4)


    Idealism (or liberalism)

    Constructivism. [구조주의]

    None of the above.


    정답 : Realism



    What important principle was established by the Treaty of Westphalia? [베스트팔리아조약에서 수립된 중요한 원칙?] (0.0 / 4)

    Power projection. [국력투사]

    The feudal system. [봉건체제]

    A just war. [정의로운 전쟁]

    Sovereignty. [국가주권]


    정답 : Sovereignty. [국가주권]



    8. An example of an international intergovernmental organization (IGO) is ( ). [다음 중 정부간국제조직의 예는? ] (0.0 / 4)

    the World Wildlife Fund.


    the United Nations (UN).

    al Qaeda. [알 카에다]


    정답 : the United Nations (UN).



    9. Idealism (liberalism) in international relations emerged with the failure of the[국제관계에서 이상주의가 등장하게 된 배경은 다음의 실패에 있다.] (0.0 / 4)

    balance-of-power system to prevent World War I.

    balance-of-power system to prevent World War II.

    League of Nations to prevent World War I.

    Napoleonic system.


    정답 : balance-of-power system to prevent World War I.



    10. An example of a international nongovernmental organization (NGO) is ( ). [다음 중 국제비정부조직의 예는?] (0.0 / 4)


    the United Nations.

    the IMF.



    정답 : Greenpeace.



    11. Global politics _____. [지구정치란 _____.] (0.0 / 4)

    deals with security issues (안보문제).

    focuses on global problems (지구의 문제) such as population growth, air and ocean pollution, natural habitat, and depletion of the ozone layer.

    deals with nuclear weapons issues (핵무기 관련 문제).

    deals with war and peace. (전쟁과 평화의 문제)


    정답 : focuses on global problems (지구의 문제) such as population growth, air and ocean pollution, natural habitat, and depletion of the ozone layer.



    12. A international system characterized by two major actors is ( ). [2개국가가 지배적인 (가장 강력한) 위치에 있는 국제체제는?] (0.0 / 4)

    unipolar. [일극체제]

    bipolar. [양극체제]

    tripolar. [삼극체제]

    multipolar. [다극체제]


    정답 : bipolar. [양극체제]



    13. The level of analysis that best explains the end of the cold war is ( ). [냉전의 종식을 가장 잘 설명할 수 있는 분석수준은?] (0.0 / 4)

    individual level.

    state level.

    international systemic level.

    all of the above.


    정답 : all of the above.



    14. The United States and the Soviet Union were the two dominant powers in world after WW II because ( ). [미국과 소련이 2차대전 이후 세계에서 가장 강력한 2대강국으로 부상한 이유는?] (0.0 / 4)

    they were the only two capable of projecting power and influence. [이들국가만이 세력과 영향력을 투사할 능령이 있었다.]

    they were the only two capable of challenging each other for global leadership [이들 국가만이 전세계적 지도력을 차지하기 위하여 경쟁할 수 있었다.]

    they were the only states that could threaten the other’s survival. [이들 국가만이 핵무기로써 상대방의 생존을 위협할 수 있었다.]

    all of the above.


    정답 : all of the above.



    15. The writings of Greek historian Thucydides and Italian philosopher Machiavelli are part of the tradition of [그리스 역사학자 투키디데스와 이태리 철학자 마키아벨리는 다음 중 어떠한 사상적 전통에 속하는가?] (0.0 / 4)



    constructivism [분석주의]

    world systems theory. [세계체제 이론]


    정답 : realism



    16. A international system characterized by more than three actors is ( ). [3개국 이상이 지배적인 위치에 있는 국제체제는?] (0.0 / 4)

    unipolar. [일극체제]

    bipolar. [양극체제]

    tripolar. [3극체제]

    multipolar. [다극체제]



    정답 : multipolar. [다극체제]



    17. Those who argue the Soviet Union is responsible for the Cold War believe that ( ). [소련이 냉전에 책임이 있다고 주장하는 사람들은 다음과 같이 믿는다.] (0.0 / 4)

    the Soviet Union was inherently aggressive and expansionistic.[소련이 호전적이며 팽창적이었다.]

    the United States was inherently aggressive and expansionistic. [미국이 호전적이며 팽창적이었다.]

    Stalin never pursued expansionist policies [스탈린이 팽창주의 정책을 추구하지 않았다].

    President Truman distrusted Stalin [트루만대통령이 스탈린을 신뢰하지 않았다.]


    정답 : the Soviet Union was inherently aggressive and expansionistic.[소련이 호전적이며 팽창적이었다.]



    18. ( ) believe that the U.S. caused the Cold War. They point out that, at the end of World War II, the Soviet Union was much weaker than the U.S. [미국이 냉전을 야기 했다고 보는 시각은?] (0.0 / 4)

    Hardliners. [강경주의자]

    Post-revisionists [탈 수정주의자]

    Revisionists [수정주의자]

    Traditionalists [전통주의자]


    정답 : Revisionists [수정주의자]



    19. State A carries out _____ on state B, if there is a clear evidence that state B is about to launch an attack against state A. In this case, state A would suffer immensely if it chose not to attack first. [타국이 자국에 대한 공격이 임박했다는 명백한 증거가 있을 경우 타국을 먼저 공격하는 것은?] (0.0 / 4)

    conventional attack.

    preemptive attack. [선제공격]

    preventive attack. [예방공격]

    general deterrent. [전반적인 억지력]


    정답 : preemptive attack. [선제공격]



    20. International politics _____.

    [국제정치란] _____. (0.0 / 4)

    involves non-political interactions (비정치적 상호작용)) between states.

    involves unilateral action (일방적인 행위) by state A toward state B.

    involves political interactions (정치적 상호작용) between states.

    involves political and non-political interactions (정치적 및 비정치적 상호작용) between states.


    정답 : involves political interactions (정치적 상호작용) between states.



    21. A international system characterized by a single major actor is ( ). [1개국가가 지배적인 (가장 강력한) 위치에 있는 국제체제는?] (0.0 / 4)

    unipolar. [일극체제]

    bipolar. [양극체제]


    multipolar. [다극체제]


    정답 : unipolar. [일극체제]



    22. States are by far the most important organizations in world politics, according to [국제정치에서 국가가 가장 중요한 행위자라고 간주하는 사람들은?] (0.0 / 4)

    idealists (liberals)





    정답 : realists



    23. Those who believe that Gorbachev and Reagan contributed to the end of the Cold War use which level of analysis? [고르바쵸프와 레이건이 개인 지도자로써 냉전의 종식에 기여했다고 보는 시각은 어떤 수준의 분석에 해당하는가?] (0.0 / 4)

    International Systemic level.

    state level.

    individual level.

    middle. level.


    정답 : individual level.



    24. The state has _____. [국가는 어떤 특성을 갖는가?] (0.0 / 4)

    a cold winter.

    predetermined foreign policy. [미리 정해진 외교정책]

    sovereignty. [주권]

    an elite-led military [엘리트지배의 군부]


    정답 : sovereignty. [주권]



    25. International relations _____. [국제관계란 _____.] (0.0 / 4)

    refers to all forms of interaction (모든 형태의 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    refers to only political (governmental) interactions (정치적 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    refers to only non-political interactions (비정치적 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.

    does not include international law and international organizations. (국제법과 국제조직을 포함하지 않는다.)


    정답 : refers to all forms of interaction (모든 형태의 상호작용) between the members of separate societies.



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