국제관계학개론_2012년 1학기 중간고사_200520_R0교양 과목 족보 2020. 5. 20. 02:03
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X 1.
Global politics _____.
지구정치란 _____.
(0.0 / 4)
① deals with security issues (안보문제).
② focuses on global problems (지구의 문제) such as population growth, air and ocean pollution, natural habitat, and depletion of the ozone layer.
③ deals with nuclear weapons issues (핵무기 관련 문제).
④ deals with war and peace. (전쟁과 평화의 문제)
정답 : ② focuses on global problems (지구의 문제) such as population growth, air and ocean pollution, natural habitat, and depletion of the ozone layer.
X 2.
Which of the following was not one of the nations that the United States and the Soviet Union clashed over in the early years of the Cold War? [냉전 초기 미국과 소련이 영향력을 유지하기 위하여 충돌한 국가가 아닌 것은?]
(0.0 / 4)
① Iran.
② Turkey.
③ Canada.
④ Greece.
정답 : ③ Canada.
X 3.
What important principle was established by the Treaty of Westphalia? [베스트팔리아조약에서 수립된 중요한 원칙?]
(0.0 / 4)
① Power projection. [국력투사]
② The feudal system. [봉건체제]
③ A just war. [정의로운 전쟁]
④ Sovereignty. [국가주권]
정답 : ④ Sovereignty. [국가주권]
X 4.
Which of the following is not true about the state?
국가와 관련하여 사실이 아닌 내용은?
(0.0 / 4)
① The state is an institution.[제도]
② States (governments) exercise control over persons and things within their borders. [국가내의 사람과 사물에 대하여 통제한다]
③ States possess sovereignty (주권).
④ The state is NOT the most important actor in international politics.
정답 : ④ The state is NOT the most important actor in international politics.
X 5.
Transnational relations _____.
초국가적관계란 _____.
(0.0 / 4)
① is defined as the movement of tangible and intangible items (가시적 및 비가시적인 것들의 이동) across state boundaries when at least one actor is not an agent of a government or an intergovernmental organization.
② involves unilateral action (일방적 행위) by state A toward state B.
③ refers to political relationships (정치적 관계) between states.
④ None of the above.
정답 : ① is defined as the movement of tangible and intangible items (가시적 및 비가시적인 것들의 이동) across state boundaries when at least one actor is not an agent of a government or an intergovernmental organization.
X 6.
Those who argue that the Cold War was inevitable because the United States and the Soviet Union were the two dominant powers at the conclusion of World War II use which level of analysis? [2차대전 이후 미국과 소련이 양대 지배적인 강대국이었기 (양극체제 이었기 때문에) 때문에 냉전이 불가피하였다고 보는 시각은 어떠한 분석수준을 적용하는 것인가?]
(0.0 / 4)
① International systemic level
② state level.
③ individual level
④ None of the above.
정답 : ① International systemic level
X 7.
Which of the following is true?
다음 중 맞는 것은?
(0.0 / 4)
① Anarchy in international politics means chaos [국제정치에서 무정부상태란 대혼란을 의미한다].
② Anarchy in international politics means without order (or disorder).[국제정치에서 무정부상태란 무질서를 의미한다]
③ Anarchy in international politics means absence of a central government. [무정부상태란 중앙정부의 부재를 의미]
④ None of the above.
정답 : ③ Anarchy in international politics means absence of a central government. [무정부상태란 중앙정부의 부재를 의미]
X 8.
The best level of analysis for explaining the events of international politics is ( ). [국제정치 사건을 설명하는데 어떠한 분석수준을 적용하는 것이 최선인가?]
(0.0 / 4)
① international systemic level.
② international systemic level.
③ state level.
④ all of the above.
정답 : ④ all of the above.
X 9.
After World War I, President Woodrow Wilson advocated the establishment of the ( ). [1차대전 이후 윌슨대통령은 어떤 조직의 창립을 옹호하였는가?]
(0.0 / 4)
① a balance-of-power system. [세력균형 체제]
② United Nations.[유엔]
③ League of Nations and the collective security system. [국제연맹과 집단안보체제]
④ US-South Korea alliance. [한미 군사동맹].
정답 : ③ League of Nations and the collective security system. [국제연맹과 집단안보체제]
X 10.
At the end of World War II, which two nations emerged global powers? [2차대전 이후 전세계적 강대국으로 부상한 2개 국가는?]
(0.0 / 4)
① Germany and the Soviet Union.
② Great Britain and the United States.
③ The United States and Germany.
④ The United States and the Soviet Union.
정답 : ④ The United States and the Soviet Union.
X 11. The members of an intergovernmental organization (IGO) are ( ). [정부간 조직의 구성원은?] (0.0 / 4)
① individuals
② states and individuals.
③ states.
④ state and nonstate actors.
정답 : ③ states.
X 12.
Peace in Europe between the Napoleonic Wars and World War I was kept by ( ). [나폴레옹전쟁으로 부터 1차대전 발발시기 까지 유럽의 평화는 무엇으로 유지되었는가?
(0.0 / 4)
① U.S. troops in Europe. [유럽주둔 미군]
② a balance of power. [세력균형]
③ the League of Nations. [국제연맹]
④ the UN.
정답 : ② a balance of power. [세력균형]
X 13.
Hitler’s ambitions to conquer the world are what type of explanation for the start of World War II? [히틀러의 세계정복 야망이 2차대전의 원인이었다고 보는 시각은 다음 어떠한 분석수준에 해당하는가?]
(0.0 / 4)
① Individual level.
② State level.
③ International systemic level.
④ Idealist.
정답 : ① Individual level.
X 14.
Which of the following theories (or approaches) emphasizes power, national interest, and the evil nature of humans in shaping international relations? [다음 중 국제관계에 영향을 미치는 요인으로써 권력, 국가이익 및 인간성의 중요성을 강조하는 이론은?]
(0.0 / 4)
① Idealism
② Realism
③ Collective security.
④ Marxism
정답 : ② Realism
X 15.
The writings of Greek historian Thucydides and Italian philosopher Machiavelli are part of the tradition of [그리스 역사학자 투키디데스와 이태리 철학자 마키아벨리는 다음 중 어떠한 사상적 전통에 속하는가?]
(0.0 / 4)
① realism
② liberalism
③ constructivism [분석주의]
④ world systems theory. [세계체제 이론]
정답 : ① realism
X 16.
The state has _____.
국가는어떤 특성을 갖는가?
(0.0 / 4)
① a cold winter.
② predetermined foreign policy. [미리 정해진 외교정책]
③ sovereignty. [주권]
④ an elite-led military [엘리트지배의 군부]
정답 : ③ sovereignty. [주권]
X 17.
Sovereignty is _____?
(0.0 / 4)
① supreme law-making and law-enforcing authority within a territory. [한 영토내의 최고 입법 및 법집행 권한]
② is not closely related to independence and state equality. [독립과 국가평등과 긴밀한 관계에 없다.]
③ is not closely related to state equality. [국가평등과 무관]
④ supreme law-making and law-enforcing authority outside a territory. [한 영토밖의 최고 입법 및 법집행 권한]
정답 : ① supreme law-making and law-enforcing authority within a territory. [한 영토내의 최고 입법 및 법집행 권한]
X 18.
The Truman Doctrine (1947) called for the United States to ( ). [트르만독트린은 미국의 어떠한 행동을 촉구하였나?]
(0.0 / 4)
① help nations throughout the world gain and keep their freedom.[전세계 국가들이 자유를 얻고 지키기위해 미국이 도와줘야 한다.]
② support Greece and Turkey with economic and financial aid. [미국이 그리스와 터키에게 경제.재정 지원을 한다]
③ assume global and moral responsibility for stopping the Soviet Union. [소련의 팽창주의를 막기 위하여 미국이 지도자로써의 책임을 떠맏아야 한다.]
④ all of the above
정답 : ④ all of the above
X 19.
The cold war ended because of [냉전이 종식된 이유는?]
(0.0 / 4)
① Gorbachev’s reforms. [고르바쵸프의 개혁정치]
② domestic problems in the former Soviet Union. [구소련의 국내문제들]
③ Soviet Union’s competition with the U.S. [소련의 미국과의 경쟁]
④ all of the above.
정답 : ④ all of the above.
X 20.
U.S. intervention has not taken place in ( ). [미국이 직접 개입 (간섭)한 국가가 아닌 것은?]
(0.0 / 4)
① Guatemala
② Vietnam
③ Iran
④ Canada
정답 : ④ Canada
X 21.
Which one of the following is true about security dilemma?
다음 중 안보 딜레마와 관련하여 맞는 내용은?
(0.0 / 4)
① States’ efforts to increase their safety (or security) by arms buildup eventually lead to insecurity for all. [무력증강을 통하여 자국의 안전을 높이려는 노력은 결국 모든 국가의 불안전을 초래한다]
② Security dilemma is caused because states can easily distinguish between offensive and defensive postures of other states. [안보딜레마는 타국가의 공격적인 혹은 방어적인 태세를 쉽게 구분할 수 있기 때문에 발생한다]
③ Security dilemma is caused because one state can easily determine that another state has peaceful intentions. [안보딜레마는 다른 국가가 평화적인 의도를 갖고 있다는 것을 쉽게 판명할 수 있기 때문에 일어난다]
④ Arms race is not related with security dilemma. [군비경쟁은 안보딜레마와 무관하다]
정답 : ① States’ efforts to increase their safety (or security) by arms buildup eventually lead to insecurity for all. [무력증강을 통하여 자국의 안전을 높이려는 노력은 결국 모든 국가의 불안전을 초래한다]
X 22.
A state possesses a second-strike capability if ( ). [국가가 2차공격능력을 갖는다는 것은 무엇을 의미하나?]
(0.0 / 4)
① it can launch a preventive strike. [예방전쟁을 감행할 수 있다.]
② it can launch a preemptive strike. [선제공격을 감행할 수 있다]
③ it can destroy the defender's retaliatory capability. [방어국의 보복능력을 파괴할 수 있다.]
④ it has enough nuclear weapons to survive a nuclear attack and inflict unacceptable levels of damage on its adversary.[핵공격을 받고도 적에게 받아들일수 없는 수준의 피해를 가할수 있는 능력이 있다.]
정답 : ④ it has enough nuclear weapons to survive a nuclear attack and inflict unacceptable levels of damage on its adversary.[핵공격을 받고도 적에게 받아들일수 없는 수준의 피해를 가할수 있는 능력이 있다.]
X 23. An example of an international nongovernmental organization (NGOs) is the ( ). [다음 중 비정부조직의 예는?](0.0 / 4)
① Greenpeace
② International Monetary Fund (IMF)
③ World Bank. [세계은행]
④ the UN
정답 : ① Greenpeace
X 24.
The level of analysis most appropriate for understanding public support for the U.S. war against the Taliban in Afghanistan is the ( ). [대 탈리반 전쟁에 대한 미국의 대중지지를 이해하는 데 적용될 수 있는 가장 좋은 분석수준은?]
(0.0 / 4)
① international systemic level.
② individual level.
③ state level.
④ all of the above.
정답 : ③ state level.
X 25.
Which of the following is not true?
다음 중 틀린 것은?
(0.0 / 4)
① International politics operates in an environment of anarchy. [국제정치는 무정부 상태에서 존재한다]
② There is a higher (or central) government in the international system. [국제체제에는 고위정부가 존재한다]
③ In the international political system, there is no monopoly of force [무력독점이 존재하지 않는다]].
④ In international political system, force is the ultimate means of resolving interstate conflicts. [무력이 국가간 분쟁을 해결하는 궁극적인 수단이다]
정답 : ② There is a higher (or central) government in the international system. [국제체제에는 고위정부가 존재한다]'교양 과목 족보' 카테고리의 다른 글
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